Monday, 15 November 2021

Environmental Website

 Me and my friends Kayla & Manvi have created a website to encourage tamariki to take care of the environment  and to become more Eco- Friendly. We have been working on this for a project as a group, our website has cool and affordable ways to be environmental. Here is the link to access the website:  



So Go Green There Is No Planet B

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Rube Goldberg Machine!

Rube Goldberg Machine!

Me and my buddies have created a Rube Goldberg Machine!                                                                        We worked together well and collaborated, our problem was our glue stick didn't have enough power and force to push the car  then to push the marble down the ramp to the cup and it we put the video on slow-mo for a while and gave the tennis ball a bit of a budge for the machine to work.


Thursday, 24 June 2021



Me and my buddy Eva have designed and built a strong powerful  catapult by following the full designing process and collaborated well to create the model we have kept going back to improve on the model so we can make it better,in this school project we first started seeing other people designs and making them and then we were asked to design a stronger,better one.When we tested them all including our one and compared them with the other peoples the results were our catapult was better than all the other people we tried from.

Monday, 14 September 2020

The Nose Knows!

 Today I did a StEM challenge called the nose knows this is some info down below.........

Monday, 24 August 2020

Swim For Life

 On Mondays my whole class has swim for life ,we travel there by  bus to go to the Enterprise pool in  Gisborne. Each  lesson  is half an hour there are two  groups in the pool at once and there are 6 groups!I am always looking forward for our swim for life, we have  excellent teacher as well  and  I am learning heaps. 

Monday, 10 August 2020

Making Sherbet!

Making sherbet was fun we all got very excited when our sherbet kit came out!

Next time I would change my flavouring and not put so much citric acid in !

I liked how the sherbet  fizzed and bubbled in my mouth and we had a great teacher!

I found it hard to swallow the sherbet but  it had  a kick of taste to it!

What I learned this session is how to collaborate better,

I could make sherbet any time!

My Friendship Potion!

 This was a activity my  whole class did, I think this was  to make our class a bit more friendly to each other ,I found it easy to think of what a good friend would do,I found it hard to write it like a recipe!