Monday, 19 August 2019

Our Learning This Week

I have been learning about the Celts tribe .
Did you know the tribe started in the early Iron Age about 1200 B.C?
I enjoyed learning about it because it is very interesting and it is so easy to make you want to read more
and more.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Soccer Tournament

On Wednesday Week 3,  our school entered 4 teams in the footy tournament. I found it easy dribbling it up field. I found it hard to take control with the ball. I enjoyed the fun and getting goals.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Me and my buddy were learning about the amazing Haast Eagle. I found it hard to communicate with my buddy. I found it really easy to look up all the info and putting it in my own words. I really enjoyed the science that came with the project and it was a very fun experience working with someone different that I haven't worked before with.